Advance Magazine
The Advance Magazine is a peak into movement news and highlights!
ReadPJ Smyth, Donnie Griggs, Alan Frow and Brian Barr help lead our partnership in North America.
The New Testament shows various places such as Jerusalem, Antioch, Ephesus and Thessalonica emerging as hubs for church planting and strengthening. It seemed these hubs emerged mostly due to the calibre of the leadership in these places, although their locations may also have played a contributory role. In keeping with this biblical model, we try to help suitable leaders in suitable geographical locations to develop their hubs.
We define a hub as “a group of churches working together to plant and strengthen churches.” This group has a leadership team help facilitate their mission. The scope of a hub might be as focused as a certain town, city or county, or it could cover a nation(s) or continent(s) as it currently does in the case of North America.
The larger and more widespread a hub gets, the more likely it is that a new hub will emerge. For example, our work in South African began with just one Hub consisting of a handful of churches scattered across the nation. But as the years are going by, different Hubs are emerging in different regions.
Our work in North America is currently at the stage South Africa was a few years ago, where although the distances between some of our churches are significant, because we are “working together to plant and strengthen churches” in North America (and beyond), we call ourselves the North American Hub. We anticipate Hubs emerging in different parts of North America into the future. We give significant energy to equipping Hub Teams and potential Hub Teams, as we believe that healthy Hub life is the best way to sustainably plant and strengthen churches.
Join us in North Carolina as pastors, leaders, and planters from around the United States and Canada come together for our 2016 Gathering.
West Coast: Alan Frow
Mid-West: Brian Barr
East Coast: Donnie Griggs
Canada: Vik Stander
For giving to both our Global Mission and your Hub Mission, please click here:
One Harbor Church in North Carolina is leading the charge in planting a new site in Swansboro at the start of 2016. Although this will be a congregation of One Harbor Church, we consider congregation plants and autonomous church plants as the same thing in terms of wanting to mobilize people, prayer and finance. If you would like to relocate to be part of this exciting new church, or require any other information, please contact Donnie Griggs.
Southlands Church in Orange County, CA are building up to planting a new congregation into Whittier, a city of 85,000 people in Los Angeles County, starting September 2015. Although this will be a congregation of Southlands Church, we consider congregation plants and autonomous church plants as the same thing in terms of wanting to mobilize people, prayer and finance. If you would like to relocate to be part of this exciting new church, or require any other information, please contact Alan Frow.
OneLife Church in Webster, Texas is preparing to launch a new congregation in Seabrook, Texas in January 2016. Home to about 13,000 people, Seabrook runs the gamut of socioeconomic background, but has few active churches in the region. Although this will be a congregation of OneLife Church, we consider congregation plants and autonomous church plants as the same thing in terms of wanting to mobilize people, prayer and finance. If you would like to relocate to be a part of this exciting new church, or require any other information, please contact Brian Barr.
Southlands Church is also preparing to plant a church in Chiang Rai, Thailand near the Myanmar border. Our vision is to bring a Gospel-centered, Spirit-led expression of Christ's body to the English-speaking, local and international communities in Chiang Rai. We want to serve and strengthen God's people as well as evangelize and minister into Myanmar across the border, which is less than an hour away. Northern Thailand and the nearby region of Myanmar have millions of people belonging to many unreached people groups, among whom Christians have less than 1% representation. Buddhism is the predominant religion in the area, at over 90%, with Islam and tribal animism also represented. The region also has many social problems, including prostitution, human-trafficking, drug addiction and trade, poverty, malnutrition, lack of educational opportunities, lack of clean drinking water. However, rather than focusing on the mercy and justice needs, we believe that our mission is to partner with God in planting churches in order to allow the power of the gospel to establish His kingdom and transform the entire region.
Southlands plans to send Daniel and Marcia Yu with an intrepid team of about fifteen to twenty people in the fall of 2016. We would love others to join us in this great gospel endeavor. If you would like to relocate to be part of this exciting new church, or require any other information, please contact Daniel Yu at