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Module 1:

Theme One: Mission
Why and how do I reach unchurched people for Christ?
Theme Two: Contextualisation
What are the people I am trying to reach like, and how does this affect the way I reach them and lead this church?

Module 2:

Theme One: Self-leadership
What character, lifestyle and disciplines do I need to cultivate to succeed over the long haul?
Theme Two: The Spirit’s power
Why and how do I – and the church I lead – rely on the Holy Spirit in our mission and worship?

Module 3:

Just One Theme: Church Planting
In light of lessons learnt from Scripture and others, and who it is I am trying to reach, how do I practically plant a church? What are the most likely challenges I will face, and how do I navigate through them?

Module 4:

Theme One: Bible and Gospel
How do I appropriately elevate and interpret the Bible and its main message, the Gospel?
Theme Two: Preaching
How do I, week after week, captivatingly preach the Bible and its message to both Christians and non-Christians?

Module 5:

Theme One: Growing Disciples
Why and how do I grow new believers into mature, fruitful, outward-focused disciples?
Theme Two: Growing The Church
Why and how do I grow the church numerically through its various barriers and stages until it is a reproducing church?

Module 6:

Theme One: Raising your leadership
Why and how do I become a better leader?

Theme Two: Raising leaders
How do I identify, raise up and release other leaders?

Does ACPC include coaching?

The course provides opportunity to develop peer relationships with fellow planters and leaders, as well as exposing you to leading practitioners, who will be able to guide you in your unique situation. If required, you will be assigned a coach once the course is finished. Also, ADVANCE is a network of leaders and churches who, through conferences and relationships, provide an encouraging, supportive environment for church leaders and church planters.

Whom do I contact to find out more?

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